
UNIVERGE ST500 Privacy Policy

UNIVERGE ST500 Privacy Policy

<Handling of Personal Data>
The personal data of the user provided by this application will be managed properly under "Personal Information Privacy Policy" of NEC Corporation and described below. When there are changes in the purpose of processing or categories of the personal data, or changes in provision to the third party, we will acquire the consent of the user.

1. Controller of the Personal Data

  1. Company name: NEC Corporation (hereinafter referred to as "NEC")
  2. Means of contact: See "14. Inquiry contact regarding Personal Data" below.

2. Data Protection Officer

  1. Title: General Manager, Compliance Promotion Department, NEC Corporation
  2. Means of contact: See "14. Inquiry contact regarding Personal Data" below.

3. Purposes of Processing for the Personal Data

  1. Providing the function or services to the users

    We use the personal data of the user only for the purposes: of providing the functions below to the users of this application:

    • IP phone and video call function, by accommodating in SIP server (PBX, key telephone system)
    • PBX extension call function, outgoing and incoming, holding, transferring, etc.
    • Displaying function of call history by this application.
    • Displaying function of telephone directory information from the contacts information in the smartphone
    • Providing function of the ringtone and tone on hold on SD card
    • Displaying function of pictures or movies taken by the camera on smartphone on video call
  2. System maintenance

    We use the personal data of the user in maintenance and troubleshooting.

4. Categories of the Personal Data

  1. The information retrieved by the input of the user:
    • Domain name, IP address of server, extension telephone number for the SIP server (PBX and key telephone system) and password for verifying the extension telephone number
    • Destination telephone number input by user on call
    • Sound data, such as voice of user on call
    • Movie data, such as video recorded by user on call
    • Picture data shot on configuring the background image
  2. The information retrieved automatically from the smartphone on the consent of the user:
    • Address book information on the smartphone (name, telephone number, mail address, occupation, picture for account)
    • Location data of the smartphone (Wi-Fi access point information such as SSID, BSSID, etc.)
    • Calling status of 3G telephone
    • Connecting status of Bluetooth devices
    • History of incoming and calls using this application
    • Use history of this application
    • ID and MAC address of the smartphone

5. Overseas Transfer of the Personal Data

For maintenance support, the system log may be sent to the engineer.

  1. Information transfer to a third country: The personal data of the user will be sent to Japan.
  2. Question of adequate protection: The European Commission does not recognize Japan as providing adequate protection of personal data.
  3. Appropriate protection measures: NEC manages the personal data with which it is entrusted through the appropriate implementation of security measures such as access identification and authentication, restrictions on access, authority management, record-keeping, protection against illegal software, and safe procedures for transferring and transmitting data.
  4. Reproduction of personal data: Backups of data are obtained for system management.
  5. Conditions for making personal data available: Authority to access personal data which is granted only to those who is indispensable to achieve the stated purpose of use. Personal data will not be made available otherwise.

6. Provision of the Personal Data to Third Party

We will not provide personal data by our users to any third party, except for cases where there is prior consents by users, or a provision in the laws and regulations.

7. Outsourcing of Handling of the Personal Data

We may outsource the handling the personal data to NEC Group companies and its business partner companies which have entered into the agreement with NEC.

8. Recipient of the Personal Data

Technical divisions and Support divisions of NEC, and the companies outsourced the handling of personal data in 7 above.

9. Security Control Measures

The personal data of our user will be managed properly in the server of NEC or the companies outsourced the handling of personal data in 7 above, with security control measures to avoid the leakage, loss or damage.

10. Period for Which the Personal Data Will Be Stored

Personal data may be stored for as long as necessary to support, and be deleted after the period.

11. Rights of the Data Subject

You have the right with regard to the personal data which you provide as follows:

  • The right to request from the controller access to and rectification or erasure of personal data or restriction of processing concerning the data subject
  • The right to object to processing concerning the data subject
  • The right to data portability: The right to receive the personal data, which the data subject has provided to a data controller, in a structured, commonly used and machine-readable format, and to transmit those data to another data controller without hindrance from the controller to which the personal data have been provided (NEC)
  • The right to withdraw consent at any time, without affecting the lawfulness of processing based on consent before its withdrawal
  • The right to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority, if it exists, in the country or region that the data object belongs.

12. Non-existence of Automated Decision-making Including Profiling

We do not perform automatic processing utilizing the personal data that you provide in order to analyze or predict your likes and dislikes or personal behavior (or to profile you); nor do we use your personal data to make decisions that might affect you.

13. Privacy Policy

NEC's Privacy policy and details of handling the personal data can be found in the NEC webpage.
Privacy Policy | https://www.nec.com/en/global/privacy/index.html

14. Inquiry contact regarding Personal Data

The personal data of the user will be stopped acquiring, modified, deleted or stopped usage of the personal data of the user partly or whole, by deleting of this application by the user.
And for the inquiry regarding this application and services, and the request of disclosure, etc. of the customer's personal data (disclosure, correction, deletion, stop usage, etc.), please get in touch with the following:

<Contact for personal data>
NEC Corporation
1753, Shimonumabe, Nakahara-ku, Kawasaki, Kanagawa 211-8666, Japan
Attn: Contracts Management

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UNIVERGE ST500 プライバシーポリシー


1.事業者名 (管理者)

  • (1)会社名: 日本電気株式会社(以下NECという。)
  • (2)連絡先: 下記「14.個人情報に関するお問い合わせ先」


  • (1)職名: 日本電気株式会社 コンプライアンス推進部長
  • (2)連絡先: 下記「14.個人情報に関するお問い合わせ先」


  • (1)利用者の皆さまへの機能サービスの提供


    • SIPサーバー(PBX,キーテレシステム)に内線収容しIP電話機能ならびにビデオ通話機能
    • 発着信、保留、転送等のPBX内線機能
    • 本アプリを利用した通話の履歴情報表示機能
    • 本アプリ上に、スマートフォン端末の連絡先データ情報より取得した電話帳情報の表示機能
    • SDカード上のコンテンツによる着信音や保留音の提供機能
    • スマートフォン端末のカメラによって撮影された画像、動画をビデオ通話の際に表示する機能
  • (2)システムメンテナンス



  • (1)お客さまの入力による取得する情報:
    • SIPサーバー(PBX,キーテレシステム)の接続に必要なドメインネーム、サーバーアドレス、内線番号および内線番号認証に必要なパスワード
    • 通話の際にお客さまの手入力により入力された発信先電話番号
    • 通話の際にお客さまの発話による音声等の音データ
    • 通話の際にお客さまの撮影によるビデオ等の映像データ
    • 背景画像設定時に撮影された画像データ
  • (2)お客さまの同意のもと端末から自動的に取得する情報:
    • ご利用の端末に登録されているアドレス帳情報(氏名、電話番号、メールアドレス、所属、アカウント画像)
    • ご利用の端末の位置情報(SSIDおよびBSSID等のWi-Fi アクセスポイント情報)
    • 電話(3G電話)の通話状況
    • Bluetoothデバイスの接続状況
    • 本アプリによる着信履歴、通話履歴
    • アプリケーションの利用履歴
    • 端末ID/MACアドレス



  • (1) 移転先の第三国


  • (2) 十分性認定の存否


  • (3) 適切な保護措置


  • (4) 個人情報の複製を取得する方法


  • (5) 個人情報が利用可能になる条件














  • 個人情報へのアクセス、訂正、消去、取扱制限を要求する権利
  • 個人情報の取扱いに不服を申し立てる権利
  • データポータビリティーの権利(個人情報を可読性のある形式で受け取る権利、他の管理者に移行する権利)
  • 撤回前の同意に基づく適法な取扱いに影響を与えることなしに、いつでも同意を撤回する権利
  • 監督機関に不服を申し立てる権利(個人情報保護に関する監督機関が自国・地域内にある場合)









日本電気株式会社 UNIVERGEインフォメーションセンター
〒270-1198 千葉県我孫子市日の出1131
